Georgia Holly


Georgia has an interdisciplinary background in both Maritime Archaeology (MSc; PhD Pending, University of Southampton) and Marine Biology (BSc. University of Aberdeen). Throughout her work as an early career researcher, Georgia has particularly focussed on strengthening the connections between marine cultural heritage and environmental policy internationally, and regionally: in the UK, the Black Sea, and the Caribbean. Her PhD focussed on the integration and protection of marine cultural heritage within environmental management frameworks such as Marine Spatial Planning, Marine Protected Areas, and Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

Georgia has worked as part of various ocean survey projects across the fields of archaeology and ecology. In 2016 and later in 2018, Georgia joined Operation Wallacea (OPWALL) to research the connections between coral reef ecology and underwater heritage, undertaking projects in Indonesia and Dominica, respectively. During her MSc. and PhD years, she worked as part of the University of Southampton’s Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (BSMAP) team from 2017-2019, specialising in the underwater excavation of an Early Bronze Age settlement at Ropotamo, off the Bulgarian coast.


Georgia has recently joined the University of Edinburgh’s School of History, Classics and Archaeology as part of the Rising from the Depths network (RftD). Within this role, Georgia will measure and monitor the outcomes and impacts of the network’s projects in East Africa to understand the contributions of marine cultural heritage to sustainable development.