
Glossary of terms

AHRC– Arts & Humanities Research Council. This is the funding body who have funded the Rising from the Depths Network. You can read more about them here. 

Capacity– Our call documents ask for applicants to demonstrate their capacity in several fields. By this we mean, applicants must show a level of understanding of the issues that we raise and can explain to us how they would deal with these. For example, this would include having an understanding of what financial mangement is, and can explain who how they will manage their money.

Co-Investigator– A Co-Investigator is a member of the research team on a project, but is someone who is not responsible for the overall management of the project.

DAC and DAC Countries– DAC stands for Development Assistance Committee. The DAC is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). They have devised a list of countries (the DAC list) that are eligible for receiving Official Development Assistance. Within the Rising from the Depths Network, these are the countries that must have a tangible benefit from the activities of Innovation Projects. The full list of DAC Countries can be found here. 

ECR– Early Career Researcher. We follow the AHRC’s definition for ECR’s which is someone who is within eight years of the award of their PhD, or an individual who is within six years of their first academic appointment. More information on ECR eligibility can be found here. 

GCRF– Global Challenges Research Fund. The GCRF is a £1.5 billion fund from provided by the UK Government to support research that address challenges faced by developing countries. The GCRF are one of the funders of the Rising from the Depths Network. You can read more about them here.

Host Institution– The Host Institution, for the purposes of our call, is an academic institution, or other organisation, through which the project will be managed. For example, this is where the money will be sent to, and who we will expect financial reports from. Please note, a host institution is not required for small grants, as these can be given to individuals.

International Co-Investigators– The Rising from the Depths Network considers any Co-Investigator who is not from or affiliated with an institution in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar or the UK to be an international co-investigator.

Network Plus Scheme– the Network Plus Scheme is the creation of five new interdisciplinary networks, funded by the GCRF. The Rising from the Depths Network forms one of the five Networks. You can read more about the creation of the networks here.

ODA– Official Development Assistance. These are grants or loans that are made to DAC Countries that promote the economic development and welfare of a developing country as their main objective. The OECD sets out a full definition here.

When considering the the partners in your project are going to meet ODA compliance, consider the following questions:

  • Where is the majority of the work of this organisation (and the individuals involved) actually taking place?
  • Do Co-Investigators have employment contracts with institutions based in non-DAC countries?
  • Is this a major NGO with considerable resources, or is this a small scale NGO with limited ability to operate beyond its normal parameters in the DAC list country/context in question?

Principal Investigator– A Principal Investigator is the person who will hold the money awarded with the grant and will be responsible for leading the research project. They can be a researcher in the broadest sense, as is set out in our call documents. For small grants, they can be an individual, but for medium and large grants, we would expect the Principal Investigator to be affiliated with an institution.