We invite collaborators and members of the Rising from the Depth network to submit an abstract to the special session Secrets exposed by coastal change: Promoting the role of marine and coastal heritage in climate change adaptation strategies of the international conference ECSA 58 – EMECS 13 – Estuaries and coastal seas in the Anthropocene that will happen online live and on-demand on 6-9 September 2021.
Past and present populations have gathered along coasts and estuaries shaping the world’s marine and coastal (cultural and natural) heritage (MCH), a finite and irreplaceable resource. Rapid coastal change threatens the preservation of (known and hidden) heritage of (local to global) cultural and economic value. Research and policy developments on climate change adaptation and risk reduction are ubiquitous, but few address the sustainability of MCH, particularly in less developed countries. This session seeks to identify ways to better promote MCH into coastal management and planning and climate adaptation policies. Rather than a passive resource to be protected, how can the data and perspectives gained from considering MCH help define these strategies? We would like to invite presentations that address the opportunities or impacts created by new exposures or the loss of MCH and the related socioeconomic-cultural-environmental implications, including for the most vulnerable people. Topics may include but are not limited to emerging frameworks, tools, methods for assessing and reducing risks/vulnerabilities to diverse MCH (e.g. landscapes, buildings, archaeological sites, traditional practices, oral histories). An open discussion at the end of the session will seek to build connections between researchers, coastal managers, planners and others interested in the sustainability of MCH worldwide.
Session Conveners:
Sandra Fatorić, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Delft University of Technology
Luciana S. Esteves, Associate Professor, Bournemouth University
Jon Henderson, Associate Professor, University of Edinburgh